After Rain

AFTER RAIN – Vibrant Matter from Geoanatomic Lab

Ane Fabricius Christiansen works experimentally with clay and glazing materials, and the public is invited into a so-called geoanatomic universe in which tactile objects in ceramics balance between the recognizable and the unrecognizable.

‘Geoanatomic’ refers to an area of investigation with its basis in both geology and anatomy, in which the antitheses between the two disciplines are erased and challenged. The ceramic materials are geological, but by way of the working methods and the working process, formations of both an anatomical and geological character arise. The simple material is transformed by the artistic treatment and develops into abstract, complex works with a sensual quality.

Ane Fabricius Christiansen is interested in investigating the inherent qualities of ceramic materials, and the works are created in a process that can be compared to the simulation of nature in a kind of controlled geology. With unorthodox working methods the clay and the glazes are manipulated to the utmost, and ‘flaws’ are refined. For example she uses it as part of her artistic expression that the clay tends to crack during drying, or melts in the kiln when it is fired at too high a temperature.

Ongoing material investigations of the geological regularities of various clay types or glazes and their aesthetic potentials are the foundation for the finished works. This balancing act between the controlled and the uncontrolled results in a distinctive and original idiom.

Ane Fabricius Christiansen arbejder eksperimenterende med ler og glasurmaterialer, og beskueren inviteres ind i et ‘geoanatomisk univers’, hvor taktile objekter i keramik balancerer mellem det genkendelige og uigenkendelige.

‘Geoanatomisk’ hentyder til et undersøgelsesfelt med afsæt i både det geologiske og det anatomiske, hvor modsætningsforholdet mellem de to discipliner udviskes og udfordres. De keramiske materialer er geologiske, men via arbejdsmetoderne og arbejdsprocessen opstår der formationer af både anatomisk og geologisk karakter. Det simple materiale forvandles i forarbejdningen og udvikler sig til abstakte, komplekse værker med en sanselig kvalitet.

Ane Fabricius Christiansen er optaget af at undersøge keramiske materialers iboende egenskaber, og værkerne skabes i en proces, der kan sammenlignes med simulering af naturen i en form for kontrolleret geologi. Med uortodokse arbejdsmetoder presses leret og glasurmaterialerne til det yderste, og ’fejl’ raffineres. For eksempel bruger hun som en del af sit kunstneriske udtryk, at leret gerne vil revne i tørringen, eller smelte i keramikovnen, når det brændes ved en for høj temperatur.

Fortløbende materialeundersøgelser af forskellige lertypers og glasurers geologiske lovmæssigheder og disses æstetiske potentiale er fundamentet for de udstillede værker. Denne balanceakt mellem de styrede og ukontrollerede processer resulterer i et særegent og originalt udtryk.

'ERINDRINGER OM EN REGNTID' Christopher Sand-Iversen (PDF)


Vibrant Matter from Geoanatomic Lab

Ane Fabricius Christiansen

3. June - 1. July, 2017

Opening reception

2. June, 4 -6 pm.

PLADS artspace

Vestergade 62,

DK-8000 Aarhus C

Tuesday - Friday: 13-18

Saturday:  11-15

(Closed Sun-Mon.)

Artist Talk

20. June, 4.30 p.m.

with Ninna Gøtzsche as moderator

DOKK1 - meeting room 2

Hack Kampmanns Plads 2

8000 Aarhus C.

Press release (Danish)

Press photos

Photo. Ole Akhøj